Friday 18 December 2015


Presenting santa in naija. Enjoy and share
Show some support for my brother from another mother.....Gidi...... a little something for the christmas season..

Thursday 17 December 2015


Just before you boarded the bus en route Owerri to Abuja, you decided to have a little mini meal to avoid a rumbling tummy before your next stop. You decide to get palm oil fried fish with bolle washed down by a very cold bottle of La Casera.

To the envy of the passengers around you, you bite and chew the bolle with loud sloppy sounds and gulp down your La Casera while looking at their faces. You are the boss, yes and you fear no one, not even the involuntary organs of your digestive tract until...................POOM!!PAAPAARIIIIRIRIRIPAPA!!!!.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Our Mothers, the unsung heroes

At times, I hear friends talk about their mothers and then I realise that I do have an awesome mum..... A mother who did not spare the rode lest I become a nuisance to the society, one who gave acolades whenever I did what was right.

Wednesday 11 February 2015


So, today the  11th day of february 2015, I got up a little earlier than usual, went on with my regular morning routines, and finally made to attend my lectures scheduled for 11:30am.

I get into the University environment and I see a multitude under a tree, pushing and shoving, onlookers catching glimpses of the happening; the techno-socials geared up with megapixels slightly below the pixelation of the human eye, capturing every minute in a detailed manner.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

My view on the cycle of Life

I have over the years come to a conclusion that everything in life is cyclic, i.e just like the water or Nitrogen cycles we were taught about back in highschool, everything seems to always go around and come around at some point.