Wednesday 11 February 2015


So, today the  11th day of february 2015, I got up a little earlier than usual, went on with my regular morning routines, and finally made to attend my lectures scheduled for 11:30am.

I get into the University environment and I see a multitude under a tree, pushing and shoving, onlookers catching glimpses of the happening; the techno-socials geared up with megapixels slightly below the pixelation of the human eye, capturing every minute in a detailed manner.
Others peharps overwehlmed with anxiety tearing through the pack made up predominantly of bikers (okada riders), and probably overly inquisitive students.

I stop the biker on whose bike I rode up- school thinking maybe "This politicians have initiated a new type of negative propaganda" or  "The Vice Chancellor might have ordered a permanent restriction on bikers within the University campus" thus a riot of some sort.
The Biker, a personal friend of mine who goes by the name Fela asks another biker " Nna, gini ne éme " meaning "what is happenning my brother?" He replies " The tree dey comot water, me I don fetch my own una no go fetch?" Meaning water is gushing out of the tree, I have fetched, won't you fetch yours?.

Now I go a little closer to get a better view only to witness a level of ignorance which validates Einstein's saying " The Universe and human stupidity are both said to be infinite, I am however not sure of the former"
Some people are drinking the water right from the tree claiming it is "Water from God" others are picking empty plastic containers and filling them up with this "mysterious" liquid. Now I ask a friendly looking fellow involved in this ignorant exercise "where is the water from?" He looks to me, sighs and says "if you like, no carry something come fetch; dey there dey form analyst" he goes back to his business whilst others within wave paths of our voices look at me with disgust.
I take out my phone and take pictures of the event in a demeaning manner so as to spite the fellow and his supporters and I leave for my lecture.

Now my question is simple? How can some people drink a liquid without any apparent knowledge of it's source.
How can we be sure it is water afterall.
If it is a indeed"spiritual water" ,couldn't it be from the devil? Or worse still an evil omen (which might work for me jugding from my traditions and customs as an igbo Nigerian).
Isn't it depressing to see youths whose parents have worked out their behinds to give them a "sound" education drink from an unknown source?
Even if I did believe it to be a spiritual water from God, I most likely would observe others who have ingested this liquid before putting my life in for the gamble........
It could be a Spiritual water full of positivities, luck and all, but drinking it from the source without details is just wrong.
I didn't have to be a preacher, nor a Professor to figure this out, thus I guess common sense is not so common afterall.

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