Friday 27 January 2017

Tribute to Pablo

When I died, the world didn't stop. The sun shone maybe even brighter, the traders bustled and hustled like my silent absence became a catalyst for business.
When I died, my friends laughed at them jokes, I discovered that those who i pushed away were all I had. While my closest friends deliberated on attending my funeral, my family tore each other into shreds for what remained of my vanity left behind. Indeed alone was I. I had left this scene of pseudo satisfaction.
When I died the clouds refused to go dark, and the stars refused to fall. The traders at the markets made transactions without blip. I was but a speckle in the big world. For I thought drums would roll, and the stores would close. I thought the moon might move, and lightning strike amidst the hot sub Saharan afternoon.
I was gone however to a place ,  a better place of relief, bliss. Finally, there she was, satisfaction after all.

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