Wednesday 4 May 2016

Mama G the Cab driver

So I wake up early today to get to work as early as I can, as punctuality has not been one of my best attributes in recent times. I am in a hurry, I skip breakfast and begin my walk to work..... 

I cross over to the other side of Olusegun Obasanjo way, my destination, Wuse market..(yes I take along, it saves a cab approaches and I signal Wuse with hand gestures. The driver flashes those lights at me and and stops in front of me. I get into the cab, I see two young men and a woman in the drivers have a feeling of joy and awkwardness all wrapped into I want to access her ability to navigate the clogged up road ways this early as every one is hurrying to work...she drives like those really razz Abuja cab drivers only with a sense of responsibility which I seldom notice in female drivers.....(the adjective drivers being emphasized) after a while, I feel so comfortable in the vehicle I forget a lady is at the wheels.

But then I am a realist and I say to myself,there is scientific proof that women are worse drivers as their analytic skills are not as nice although they posses better traits in some other areas, driving isn't one. Away from the scientific mumbo jumbo. At the area popularly known as "Second gate", the other passengers, the two young men get off, now I am all alone with this unusual cab driver. I watch her from behind and notice the synchronized movements of her arms and legs, the resultant effect being a nice ride to work. I am taken aback by these movements and I decide to do that which I try to avoid. "get into her personal space". I have to, I can't take it anymore, I need answers. I ask " madam, what inspired you to drive a cab?".... Mama G replies almost immediately with a smile on her face "Joblessness in summary"..Haa, I got an answer!! I am definitely going to ask more questions, but just then, I get to my bus stop, and I demand to have a picture of this lady cab driver called "Mama G". She obliges. I take my pictures with a large smile on my face and I say to myself, there is really nothing holding us back, we can do whatever we want to do, society has become so fake that we do, not because we want to, but because we are expected to. Mama G is an inspiration to all young people out there. Heck I was so inspired I had to write stuff on this blog for the first time in over a two months. I don't need you to read and smile I did that am kidding, but if Mama G, has somehow managed to turn a grim situation of joblessness into an avenue for income generation, and most importantly, a source of inspiration,....

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