Thursday 27 September 2018

My Lord

Who may judge one who has lived from but his eyes?
Who may judge he who has seen but from his perspective?
Who may judge he when he liveth not the life, nor partaketh in his experiences?
Rigid experiences like fire to clay, harden bits and pieces of he who stands in the witness box today. 
My Lord, may the gavel hammer itself, and if the defendant opposes, let he who is blameless strike the first blow.

Okonkwo Noble

Monday 20 August 2018

Violence, such useless endeavour

If a man swears that he be violent, may the instructions upon the Amalekites of old lay with his victim. For violence causes but temporary injury and deepened hatred searching for grounds to sprout out propagations of a never ending chain of evil.

 Okonkwo Noble

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Rebuilding Babel

Life, a game of perspectives. Understanding, the yardstick with which perspectives are measured.

Man must see from man's perspective that we may attain the proverbial utopia. For the key to the tower Babel lies in our ability to put ourselves in the shoes of our brothers.

Okonkwo Noble

Sunday 27 May 2018


I would lay claim to the high name,
The false claims bequeath validity
Solomon was right after all, all is vanity
Humanity’s mortality, a function of Man’s inanity
Wandering through forced conformities, the life is all but reality.

Okonkwo Noble

Oh death..

Death is no punishment
Death is caused by no sin
Death has no victory, nor does it sting
Death is Death of the body not, but the damnation which death may bring
Death is necessary evil albeit an expression of the evil
Fear not Death, rather I pray thee to fear Death.

Okonkwo Noble