Saturday 31 December 2016

My N.Y.S.C Experience

The National Youth Service Experience (N.Y.S.C) was a really lovely experience, probably the best experience I'av had......ermm well not exactly the, especially the idea of waking us up with whistles and trumpets by 3:00am but it's right up there among the best experiences I have had.

Thursday 28 July 2016

How To Be a Good Judge

Always listen to both sides. Always always, Some call the Bible the book of life, and there is valid reason for this.

To be a good judge, you always have to listen to both sides of a story at all times.
If you are at least an occasional church goer, you should have at one time or the other come across the story of Solomon and the two women who claimed a baby, and Solomon had the difficult task of finding out who the true mother of the kid was, and we all know just how he resolved that issue.

As the Anglicans will say, "This Law hangs all the laws and the prophets"

The Law is a simple but rather underrated one.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Mama G the Cab driver

So I wake up early today to get to work as early as I can, as punctuality has not been one of my best attributes in recent times. I am in a hurry, I skip breakfast and begin my walk to work.....