Thursday 28 July 2016

How To Be a Good Judge

Always listen to both sides. Always always, Some call the Bible the book of life, and there is valid reason for this.

To be a good judge, you always have to listen to both sides of a story at all times.
If you are at least an occasional church goer, you should have at one time or the other come across the story of Solomon and the two women who claimed a baby, and Solomon had the difficult task of finding out who the true mother of the kid was, and we all know just how he resolved that issue.

As the Anglicans will say, "This Law hangs all the laws and the prophets"

The Law is a simple but rather underrated one.

Always see the situation from both ends of the story. As simple as it sounds, it solves so much, and is applicable in almost every facet of life.

If humans always looked from each other's points of perception, we honestly wouldn't have as many wars as we do today.

Let me cite an example so we all are on the same page.

Two boys in class who had been best of friends had a fight, and you have the troubling task of investigating and giving  out appropriate punishment to the offender(s) as the case may be. Then George (one of the boys) comes to your office and reports that Michael called him a "nigger". Now you are furious as to why Michael would call his friend George the "n" word.

You send for Michael and ask him if he used the "n" word on his friend George, He nods in concord to that accusation. Now you are furious, and without much ado, you descend on Michael, without hearing his side of the story.

Just then, Your neighbour comes along and asks Michael what went down with his boy George, and he says "We usually, call ourselves names and laugh over it, he calls me an Ofay and I call him my nigger, but I guess today he was just in a bad mood"

Now you see why listening to both sides of the same tale will almost always keep your judgment on par?

It seems wrong for Michael to call George a "nigger" but when you listen to his own side of the story, you can establish a better solution to the conflict.

Now, we all know America's story against Osama bin Laden, but we never really got to know Osama's story, The same goes for Sadaam Hussien, Gaddafi, but to mention a few.
It should be known that I am not trying to justify senseless killing of millions of people courtesy of terrorist attacks, all I am saying is If you listened to his own side of the tale, Maybe Boko Haram, ISIS might not have been an issue, and even if they became issues, we would probably have solutions.

As Frank Tyger Says  "Listening to both sides of a story will convince you that there is more to a story than both sides"